Neighborhood Improvement Association
Thank you for taking the time to explore our website! NIA was founded in 2003 to empower our local community in Trenton, NJ. We strive to educate, empower and support our community in any way we can!
NIA's Initiative has drastically reduced the amount of illegal dumping sites in Trenton, NJ! Illegal dumping of garbage, abandoned automobiles, household appliances, construction and demolition debris, and other waste poses several risks to the environment and the general public. If you want to volunteer with us, send us an email in the "Contact Us" section below!
NIA is committed to helping our community! We work to address issues such as housing insecurity and environmental racism through projects such as our Redevelopment Project.
NIA has recently taken on the Comprehensive Community Violence Prevention Strategy. The project, STRYVE is an acronym that stands for Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere. NIA will undertake this strategy as one of our economic empowerment projects.
This project aims to bring a public health, preventative approach to work on youth violence.
Gov Alert Mobile App (download required)
NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection
- Toll-Free 24-Hot Hotline 1-877-927-6337
- Reporting Web-App (please include a photo and location)
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals!
"Changing Lives by: Opening Doors & Building Communities"
We also accept donations through Zelle (
Thank you for your support!
NIA of Trenton, NJ
501(c)(3) Non-Profit – Tax Exempt Organization
Copyright © 2018 NIA (Neighborhood Improvement Assoc.) - All Rights Reserved.
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Check out our amazing team in action!
Our Youth Inclusion Initiative (YII) aims to inspire the next generation of environmental leaders.